Water & Waste Water systems

As elsewhere in the world, water and wastewater systems are the health and heart of PNG. They are vital in human life/work environments. If these systems are not managed well in country, we have sickness and damaged or lost resources – all a major cost of PNG.

Fimali Ltd does care about water and wastewater systems management in PNG. Moreover, we will be caring for these systems and the people affected to the best of our capabilities.

Fimali Ltd is an elite in PNG – being a nationally owned business providing goods and services for Water and Wastewater/Sewage Treatment in Papua New Guinea. We are dedicated, and set up to do so to a satisfactory level when excellency is called for.
fimali water and waste systems
These services are applicable to Industrial, Mining, oil & Gas, Food & Beverage and Municipal sectors in country. All manufacturing businesses in PNG do need water for manufacturing purposes, and will naturally generate industrial waste (Industrial sector). Likewise, with the PNG people and communities, we do need clean water for consumption, and do have human waste (Municipal sector). These water and wastewater systems need to be controlled always, to avoid harming surrounding environments.
waste water systems, papua new guinea
In our design/supply/services packages for water and wastewater/sewage systems management (treatments), our capabilities are broad and include as follows:

When you support Fimali you support PNG

We are here to support you with these vital services in PNG for PNG people.